We will be in Arkoma Oklahoma September 8th, 9th and 10th. We will be open 8am till 5pm. No appointments needed. Come on out and shop with us. There is parking on one side of the house. Please make sure and not block neighbors mail boxes or driveways. We so look forward to seeing you out. Remember we take cash, cashapp, venmo and paypal.  To see the full ad check us out on estatesales.org  https://estatesales.org/estate-sales/ok/arkoma/74901/arkoma-estate-sale-2222917

The exact address will be open in the .org ad on the 6th. You won’t be able to miss us though. We are right off the main street and we will have signs up to find us. Don’t miss out.

Lots of neat treasures to find. The pictures never tell the whole picture. Make sure we see you at the sale!!